Goddess Crystals for Empowering the Goddess Within
by Ashley Leavy
There is a movement by modern women in the metaphysical community to reclaim feminine power and embrace the goddess within, but what does this really mean and how can it be accomplished by using goddess crystals?
For many, this is about acknowledging the important role of femininity and the divine feminine in modern society, but it can also be about embodying the archetypes of goddesses throughout history.
Tapping into this goddess power can be done through ritual and ceremony, with prayer, or even through meditation. And when you combine these methods with the energy of goddess crystals, the connection to a particular goddess is amplified.
Certain goddess crystals correspond to particular goddess archetypes. So if you wanted to connect with or embody the energetic archetype, the traits or qualities, of a specific goddess, you need only to reach for the stone that embodies her spirit and energy. You can then carry this stone with you, wear it in a piece of jewelry, or meditate with the crystal to connect with the energy of your chosen goddess.
For example, if you were trying to bring more love or compassionate energy into your life, you may want to embody the qualities of Aphrodite, Kuan Yin, or Venus. So you could choose to work with goddess crystals like Rose Quartz, Rhodochrosite, or Copper to embody the vibration of love, compassion, and the archetypal qualities of your chosen goddess.
Following are some popular goddess crystals. Feel free to Pin this image to Pinterest to save it as a handy reference guide!
Aphrodite: Rose Quartz | Durga: Golden Tiger’s Eye | Ishtar: Imperial Topaz | Mani: Rainbow Moonstone | Selene: Selenite |
Artemis: Blue Kyanite | Freya: Emerald | Isis: Lapis Lazuli | Nike: Hematite | Venus: Copper |
Athena: Rainbow Fluorite | Gaia: Chrysocolla | Juno: Black Pearl | Nut: Nuumite | White Buffalo Calf Woman: Howlite |
Bastet: Carnelian | Green Tara: Green Tourmaline | Kali: Black Obsidian | Parvati: Rhodochrosite | White Tara: White Jade |
Brighid: Fire Agate | Hathor: White Moonstone | Kwan Yin: Pink Opal | Pele: Lava Rock | Yemaya: Abalone |
Ceridwen: Labradorite | Hecate: Black Moonstone | Lakshmi: Citrine | Persephone: Black Onyx | |
Demeter: Petrified Wood | Hera: Pyrite | Luna: White Pearl | Saraswati: Blue Lace Agate | |
Diana: Silver | Hestia: Dolomite | Maat: Red Jasper | Sekhmet: Yellow Jasper |
Ashley Leavy is the Founder & Educational Director of the Love & Light School of Crystal Therapy – where their mission is to share the power of crystal healing with people all over the world. If you’re curious about using crystals to make positive changes for yourself, your friends & family, or your clients, then Love & Light is the place for you to learn and connect with others. The Love & Light School offers a broad range of training programs and free resources for wellness professionals and crystal enthusiasts from all around the world.