By Christina Wilke-Burbach PhD, RMT, CA
December is filled with celebrations of religion and spirituality. In nature, it is a sacred time as wildlife slumbers, sleeps, and hibernates; preparing for rebirth in the spring. The Winter Solstice is this month and symbolizes the return of light.
Winter is traditionally a time of self-reflection and deep inner work. This is the most magical time of the year. So of course, Frankincense, one of the most revered sacred and spiritual oils is our intuitive essential oil for this month.

Frankincense (Bosweilla ssp.) is a resin formed when an incision is made into the tree. The tree oozes a liquid gum that is hardened and then distilled into an essential oil. Frankincense originates from Somalia, Ethiopia, India, and Arabia. Like many essential oils that originate from resins, Frankincense is helpful for respiratory and skin concerns (bronchitis, congestion, scars, wrinkle, dry skin).
Frankincense is also sedating, relaxing, and is great for anxiety, stress, sleeping problems, and nervousness. It can help quiet the mind and assist in meditation and contemplation. It can assist in communicating and connecting with the divine and higher realms. Frankincense resonates with the Crown Chakra and helps heals related spiritual and existential concerns. It can raise your vibration and cleanse negative, low vibrating energy from your aura. Overall it is a fantastic oil for holistic healing with many mind/body/spirit uses. A great oil for every healing toolbox.

My Frankincense Forecast for December:
At the Winter Solstice, we call out with our innermost being for the return of the light and we honor its impending return. This Solstice I know we all are feeling a great need for the light to come back, not just with the sun returning this year, but also for humanity in general. 2020 has perhaps been the toughest year in recent times for many on a collective level.
The Winter Solstice, the longest night of the year, is honored by many traditions as a sacred and rich time. The longest night is a fruitful time for setting intentions, to be birthed with the newborn Sun. What you dream of and set intent for now can grow with the Sun, and gain momentum in Spring. The dark before the dawn, just like new Moons, can be a powerful moment of magic, drawing in what you'd like to see happen in the New Year. Take some time in contemplation and meditation to clearly visualize what you want. Then release it to the universe to be manifested. And remember, it is always darkest before the light returns. Have hope and faith. Things will get better.
Holy Winter Solstice/Yule Aromatherapy Recipe
- 3 drops Frankincense
- 3 drops Myrrh
- 3 drops Palo Santo
- 5 drops Sandalwood
- 6 drops Cedarwood
Add to 2 ounces of water to make a mist/spray. Feel free to add any water safe gemstones or crystals to the bottle if they call out to you. This will then be a Gemstone Aromatherapy Blend. Great for clearing energy and setting sacred space for meditations, ritual, and celebrations.
Blessings for a wonderful holiday season and new year. Love and Light.
Aroma Readings are a divination technique using essential oils developed by Dr. Christina Wilke-Burbach, a Holistic Health Psychologist, Certified Aromatherapist, Herbalist, and Reiki Master Teacher. She offers individual Aroma Readings as well as teaches Aroma Readings in her level 2 'Holistic Healing with Aromatherapy' certification series. Interested in learning more about herbs, aromatherapy and essential oils? Visit Mind, Soul, and Self LLC for more info: https://mindsoulandself.com/