A Dozen Crystals for Beginners

A Dozen Crystals for Beginners
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A Dozen Crystals for Beginners


There are so many crystals out there that it can be hard for beginners to figure out where to start! While every crystal is important in its own way, it's easy to feel overwhelmed by so much variety – especially if you're just starting out. That's why we decided to put together a list of "basics" that are great options for anyone interested in crystal healing to use as the foundation for their toolkit. These classic stones will provide you with a solid base to begin exploring the wider world of crystals.

The crystals in this article are all relatively inexpensive and easy to find. We’ve selected one stone corresponding to each of the seven chakras and four elements, plus five other excellent choices for the beginning collector.


To learn more about the stones in this article, be sure to click the links throughout the post and you'll find the crystal's dedicated page on our website full of extra information about its properties and history!




Red Jasper for Grounding

Red Jasper also helps you set boundaries, promote justice and insight, and harness passions.






  • Colors: Brick red to dark, blood red
  • Associated Chakras: Root (1st)
  • Zodiac Signs: Aries, Capricorn
  • Elements: Earth, Fire
  • Companion Stone: Blue Kyanite
  • Companion Flower: Crocosmia
  • Companion Essential Oil: Cassia Bark
  • Common Origins: India


Alternatives: Red Garnet, Hematite



Carnelian for Creativity 

Carnelian helps you overcome negative thought patterns and approach your endeavors with new energy.

  • Colors: Orange, Burnt Orange, Mango
  • Associated Chakras: Root (1st), Sacral (2nd), Heart (4th)
  • Zodiac Signs: Aries, Leo
  • Elements: Fire
  • Companion Flowers: Torch Lily
  • Companion Essential Oil: Ginger
  • Companion Stone: Blue Quartz
  • Common Origins: Sausalito, California; Sri Lanka; China
  • Notes: When Carnelian is banded, it is often called “Carnelian Agate.”

Alternatives: Fire Agate, Orange Calcite



Citrine for Success

Citrine, also known as "Crystal Sunshine," brings positive energy, helps overcome fears, and boosts self-confidence.

  • ColorsTransparent to translucent smoky gold to amber.
  • Associated Chakras: 3rd (Solar Plexus), 7th (Crown)
  • Zodiac Signs: Leo, Virgo
  • Elements: Earth, Fire
  • Companion Flowers: Coreopsis (Tickseed)
  • Companion Essential Oil: Amber
  • Companion Stone: Sodalite
  • Common Origins: Brazil, D.R. Congo
  • Notes: A variety of Quartz. May be natural or created by heat-treating Amethyst to change its color from purple to yellow.

Alternatives: Golden Tiger’s Eye, Topaz



Unakite for Balance

Unakite combines the two colors associated with the Heart Chakra, pink & green. It can be used to balance all the chakras and promote heart healing.

  • Colors: Green mottled with peachy-orange
  • Associated Chakras: 1st (Root), 4th (Heart)
  • Zodiac Signs: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn
  • Elements: Earth
  • Companion Flowers: Oxalis (Shamrock)
  • Companion Essential Oil: Sage
  • Companion Stone: Peach Selenite
  • Common Origins North Carolina, USA, South Africa, Brazil, China
  • Notes:  Unakite is a rock formed from the joining together of the minerals Epidote (green) and Feldspar (peach). Sometimes also called Unakite Granite or as Unakite Jasper (even though it is not a true Jasper).

Alternatives: Green Aventurine, Moss Agate


Aquamarine for Tranquility

Aquamarine has a very soothing energy, promoting cooperation and peace.

  • Colors: Soft blue-green, sky blue
  • Associated Chakras: Throat (5th)
  • Zodiac Signs: Aquarius, Pisces, Cancer, Libra, Scorpio
  • Elements: Water
  • Companion FlowersToad Lily
  • Companion Essential Oil: Birch
  • Companion Stone: Kunzite
  • Common Origins: Brazil, India, Africa
  • Notes: Aquamarine is the blue variety of Beryl.

Alternatives: Blue Lace Agate, Angelite

Lapis Lazuli for Enlightenment

Lapis lazuli is a powerful dream stone which can help you move into higher levels of consciousness and tune into the Universe. Connects you with angels and spirit guides.

  • Colors: Deep indigo with flecks of gold
  • Associated Chakras: 5th (Throat), 6th (Third Eye)
  • Zodiac Signs: Sagittarius
  • Elements: Water
  • Companion Stone: Clear Quartz
  • Common Origins: Afghanistan
  • Notes: There is also a lower grade variety of Lapis (with a higher Calcite content) that is often referred to as Denim Lapis.

Alternatives: Sodalite, Kyanite

Amethyst for Healing

Not only does Amethyst connect to higher levels of consciousness, it also has many practical uses: replacing bad habits with good, enhancing mental health, improving sleep and memory, as well as all types of healing.

  • Colors: Pale lavender to deep purple
  • Associated Chakras: Third Eye (6th), Crown (7th)
  • Zodiac Signs: Aquarius, Pisces
  • Elements: Air, Water, Ether/Spirit
  • Companion Flowers: Wisteria
  • Companion Essential Oil: Lavender
  • Companion Stone: Angel Aura Quartz
  • Common Origins: Canada, India, Brazil
  • Notes: Also known as Bishops’ Stone or as Lavendine.

Alternatives: Clear Quartz, Apophyllite




Clear Quartz for Amplification

Clear quartz is great for directing and focusing energy. Depending on how you plan to use your crystals, you could start with either a single quartz wand or a handful of small quartz points. Quartz can be used with all the chakras.

  • Colors: Clear, Colorless
  • Associated Chakras: All
  • Zodiac Signs: Leo, Virgo, Aries
  • Elements: Water, Air, Fire
  • Companion Flowers: Trillium
  • Companion Essential Oil: Tea Tree
  • Companion Stone: Lapis Lazuli
  • Common Origins: Madagascar, Brazil, Arkansas (USA), India
  • Notes: Also known as Rock Crystal.  The ancient Romans thought Quartz crystals were made from ice that was so frozen it would never thaw or melt.



Black Tourmaline for Protection

Black tourmaline is our favorite stone for banishing negativity, grounding, and protection.

  • Colors: Solid black
  • Associated Chakras: 1st (Root)
  • Zodiac Signs Scorpio, Libra, Capricorn
  • Elements: Earth
  • Companion Flowers: Toad Lily
  • Companion Essential Oil: Ginger
  • Companion Stone: Selenite
  • Common Origins: Brazil, China
  • Notes: Also known as Schorl or as Aphrizite. Often found with Quartz or Mica.



Rose Quartz for Love

Rose quartz is an excellent “relationship” stone, promoting love in all its forms: romance, friendship, family, and even self-love.

  • Colors: Pale, soft pink to deep, rosy pink
  • Associated Chakras: Heart (4th)
  • Zodiac Signs: Taurus, Gemini
  • Elements: Water
  • Companion Flowers: Magnolia
  • Companion Essential Oil: Rose
  • Companion Stone: Angelite
  • Common Origins: Madagascar, Brazil, South Dakota (USA)
  • Notes: Also known as Anacona Ruby 



Golden Tiger's Eye for Confidence

Whatever your gender, it’s good to have one stone to help you access the type of energy usually defined as “masculine.” Tiger’s eye is great for assertiveness, self-confidence, worldly success, and strength.

  • Colors: Bands of shimmering gold, brown, bronze, and gray/black
  • Associated Chakras: 2nd (Sacral Chakra) or 3rd (Solar Plexus Chakra)
  • Zodiac Signs: Virgo, Leo
  • Elements: Air, Earth
  • Companion Flowers: Yellow Coneflower
  • Companion Essential Oil: Sunflower
  • Companion Stone: Rainforest Jasper
  • Common Origins: South Africa, Australia



White Moonstone for Emotions

The same principle of balance applies to “feminine” energy. Moonstone can help connect with your inner goddess, promoting emotional balance, empathy, moon and water energies, and nurturing protection. As a bonus, moonstone is also associated with safe travels.


  • Colors: White, Cream, Off-White
  • Associated Chakras: Sacral (2nd), Heart (4th), Third Eye (6th), Crown (7th)
  • Zodiac Signs: Gemini, Cancer, Scorpio
  • Elements: Water, Spirit
  • Companion Stone: Sunstone
  • Companion Flower: Moonflower
  • Companion Essential Oil: Yarrow
  • Common Origins: India, Norway, Austria
  • Notes: Moonstone is part of the feldspar group of minerals.






We hope this article has helped to narrow down the choices a bit so you don’t feel you have to take everything home at once!

When choosing crystals, you should of course also pay attention to your own intuition. If you feel a certain crystal just “jumps off the shelf” or feels warm in your hand, that’s a good indication the two of you belong together.

As always, if you have further questions about choosing crystals or you're looking for something you don't see available online, we invite you to contact us with inquiries. 



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